Effective April 1, 2023, dental claims require a dental-related ICD-10 diagnosis code submitted with the CDT code. Failure to use valid ICD-10 diagnosis codes will result in denied claims. 

The Provider Web Portal now offers Click to Chat!

Please feel free to use this feature for assistance with the following:

  • Portal Registration
  • Account Unlocks
  • Password Resets

Chat is available Monday thru Friday from 8:00 am - 4:30 pm, CST.


For all other inquiries, please call us at 844-621-4587.



Save Time, Get Paid Faster!

Welcome to a new era in provider-payer relationships. This free Provider Web Portal will help you complete administrative tasks in minutes rather than hours, days, or weeks. By eliminating the time and money spent filling out and mailing paper forms or sitting on endless phone calls, you're able to submit claims quickly and obtain answers and information faster.

With the Provider Web Portal you can:

  • Get paid faster through automated, continuous processing of claims submitted electronically
  • Save even more time and reduce errors with pre-populated fields (such as provider name and license information) when submitting electronic claims
  • Avoid delays, improve patient workflow and satisfaction through faster authorization determination
  • Check eligibility of multiple patients at once and follow-up on the status of claims and authorization requests in real-time eliminating time spent on the phone
  • Reduce errors that lead to delays or denials through automated review of claims before submission
  • Use the real-time estimator to eliminate surprises due to denials or claims being paid at a lower rate
  • Eliminate postage and clearinghouse fees to further reduce costs

Register Today!


Credentialing Made Easy!

SKYGEN can help you save even more time and reduce your administrative burden further when you register for the SKYGEN Credentialing Service. Contact credentialing by calling 855-934-9825.